Between 18th and 22th, SINOMED participated the EuroPCR congress including PCR Innovators Day that was held in Paris, France. This year, SINOMED’s novel mitral valve replacement device and BuMA Supreme drug-eluting stent received great attention from the PCR community.
On 18th May, SINOMED’s novel transcatheter mitral valve replacement device named AccuFit™ was presented by Patrick W. Serruys on during the session of Innovators Day: Mitral and tricuspid valve intervention. The session was chaired by M. Darnaud, A. Vahanian. Other experts in this field such as F. Maisano, N. Piazza, M. Rothman, M. Thomas and R. Virmani were participating in the panel list. This was the first event for SINOMED to release its novel device after its product development and animal studies. The presentation was received positively by the large audience in attendance.(For details of AccuFit™ TMVR, please click here for the introductory video)
On 19th May, SINOMED’s biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent with eG base layer named BuMA Supreme™ was presented by Patrick W. Serruys (chairman PIONEER trial) during the session ‘innovative stents and scaffolds: potential new technologies for your cathlab’. Novelties and clinical superiority of BuMA Supreme™ were highlighted throughout the presentation. This session, co-chaired by C.K Naber and R. Gao, mainly focused on exchanging innovative technologies in the Asia-pacific region and topics on the indications of these novel stents and scaffolds.

On 20th May, Yoshinobu Onuma from Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam (steering committee member, PIONEER trial) presented the PIONEER trial in the session ‘planned and ongoing clinical trials: a status updated from Cardialysis and ECRI’. This presentation mainly focus on the trial design and latest updates of the PIONEER trial from SINOMED in collaboration with the CRO Cardialysis. Next to the PIONEER trial, other ongoing trials from Cardialysis and ECRI were highlighted.
On the same day, SINOMED’s mitral valve replacement device: ‘AccuFit™’ was presented by Patrick W. Serruys during the session ‘transcatheter mitral valve replacement: new valves and experiences’. The session was chaired by S. Windecker and C. Ruiz. In total, 7 TMVR (Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement) devices were introduced including Accufit™. Next to the TMVRs from, U.S, Canada and France, SINOMED was the only company from the Asia with a cutting-edge technology and different concept. This has attracted great attention from the audience followed by hot discussions from the audience and panellists.

The PIONEER trial is a prospective, randomized, multi-center First-in-man trial examining the safety and efficacy of BuMA Supreme toward Resolute integrity with de novo coronary artery stenosis. In total, 13 centres from the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Portugal are participating. The trial is chaired by prof. Patrick Serruys where prof. Clemens von Birgelen (MST, Enschede, the Netherlands) and prof. Manel Sabaté (Clinic hospital Barcelona, Spain) are positioned as principal investigator.
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Cardialysis & ECRI
Cardialysis is a leading specialist of clinical research organization (CRO) with an exclusive focus on cardiology. Till now, 250 clinical trials have been conducted, contributing to improved cardiovascular therapies. Landmark trials are ABSORB, Leaders, RESOLUTE and SYNTAX study.
ECRI (The European Cardiovascular Research Institute) was founded as a European collaborative effort, initially to perform investigator sponsored studies, in the field of cardiology. ECRI provides a non-profit structure facilitating the design and conduct of clinical trials.
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