
From 14th to 17th of September, SINOMED attended the 26th Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) held in Washington DC to further inform physicians and distributors with regard to the PIONEER trial in Europe.
On the 15th of September, SINOMED held a workshop with Prof. Junbo Ge (Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai) and prof. Patrick Serruys (Thorax Centre interventional cardiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) as chairmen of this event. Besides informing the attendants about the PIONEER trial, the workshop provides physicians to interact with each other to exchange knowledge and experiences. Through vibrant and interactive presentations and discussions about BuMA™ and BuMA Supreme™ stent, PIONEER trial and previous clinical experiences in China, the workshop ended with great enthusiasm.
‘During the procedure, BuMA™ will overcome the most challenging cases because of its outstanding flexibility and deliverability’, said Prof. Shubin Qiao (Fuwai Hospital, Beijing). Based on good experiences from BuMA™ stent, everyone is anticipating even better results on the patient outcomes of the PIONEER trial.